A – Confession
Andre: Essa, gue mau ngomong sesuatu
Alessandra: What is it?
Andre: Gue sayang sama lo sa
Alessandra: Lah kok?
Andre: Gue sayang sama lo dalam arti, gue peduli sama lo
saa. I care for you, I want to protect you, I want to be there for you sa. I
love you
Alessandra: So… what does this mean then?
Andre: Gue gatau sa, tapi the way I love you is different
from the way I “love” other girls
Alessandra: How so?
Andre: Gue bukan sayang sama lo dalam arti gue pengen jadian
sama lo sa. I just love you, that’s all
Alessandra: Lo sayang sama gue kayak gimana dre?
Andre: I love you like you’re my own sa. I love you like
you’re family already
Alessandra: Oh, well to be honest it's kind of odd. But who am I to judge when I feel exactly the same?
Andre: Really?
Alessandra: Well yes, I can’t deny that what we had was special. Karena gue ngerasain apa itu “cinta” pas gue sama lo dre
Andre: How about now sa? Do you still feel that love?
Alessandra: I love you dre…….. but I can’t love you
Andre: What do you mean?
Alessandra: Maksud gue, kalo gue sayang sama seseorang,
apakah gue harus jadian sama dia? Can I just love him without wanting to be
together with him?
Andre: It's a bit weird sa, but it’s the way we are now
Alessandra: Exactly dre, gue gabisa jadian sama lo dre lo
tau sendiri kan.
We’ve been together so many times that once more is just too much
Andre: You don’t know how much its killing me loh sa. Where
did we go wrong?
Alessandra: Maybe we’re two people who are meant to
fall in love just to know we can’t be together
Andre: So what do we do now?
Alessandra: Jalanin aja lah? I mean no expectations, no
plans, no future. Just the two of us, wandering aimlessly through life
Andre: Well then, I got your back sa.
Alessandra: Forever?
Andre: And always